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Artist Statement 2023

Statement 2023

The Exhausted Image


‘Hyperreality refers simply to an image that has been altered from the thing it's supposed to represent or a replica of something that never actually existed.

Simulacrum A term from Greek Platonic philosophy that meant a copy of a copy of an ideal form.

In postmodernist thought, particularly through the writings of Gilles Deleuze and Jean Baudrillard, the term has been revived in the context of arguments about the relationship between an original work of art and its replication. For Baudrillard the simulacrum takes precedence over the original, with the effect that the original is no longer relevant.’


Since the dawn of the internet the accessibility of information has accelerated to the point of overwhelming visual melt down. The constant stream of information and images feed into the voracious techno-documentation of the self.

The question is where the truth of what we see really lies? This practice is interested in theories such as ‘simulation’ and ‘hyperreality’ these offer a conflicting dynamic between notions of artificial and the real. These ideas are explored through images which are constructed using digital technologies and more recently expressed through traditional oil painting techniques, both mediums becoming increasingly entwined.

We are interested to investigate ways in which inanimate objects can trigger emotional responses and seem to hold a sense of presence or life.  Employing familiar everyday objects and combining them in unfamiliar and contradictory scenarios to explore the weird and strange through the notion of the uncanny.



 Julia Keenan is a visual artist, her expanded practice encompasses sculpture, assemblage, film, and painting. She was born in Fiji and is now based in Surrey. Studying at The Cambridge School of Art and The University for the Creative Arts graduating in 2015. Representing them in the C.V.A.N ‘Platform’ programme at ASPEX Gallery. Her first solo show ‘Vermilion Hue’ developed and shown at the invitation of the Cultural Programme Curator at The James Hockey Gallery, funded by the Recent Graduate Bursary award.

Her residency with the Whipple Museum in Cambridge ‘Strange Chimera’ shown in the museum as part of Cambridge University’s Science Festival programme, funded by Cambridge University Museums. She was nominated to submit a proposal for the first Jerwood ‘Survey’ show. Publications include The British Museums Medals Project.

 An associate of ASPEX Gallery in Portsmouth and the recipient of two residency opportunities, an active participant in the Laboratory of Dissent at Winchester School of Art, funded by Arts Council England.  Highlights from 2022 include a site-specific group show responding to the collection within Jane Austin’s House Chawton and selected work shown at Tate Modern’s ‘Surrealism Everyday’ @Tate Lates. Her film ‘Glass Kawaii’ 1:13 has been selected and screened at The Shanghai Museum of Glass Spring 2023.

She has shown with Leyden Gallery London and has work held in private collections.

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